Sidewalk Clearing Services
Clear & Safe Walkways
No matter the size of your sidewalks, Winter Services has dedicated crews prepared to clear your walkways. Equipped with our top-of-the-line sidewalk clearing equipment, our crews are ready to take on even the deepest snow and iciest walks. With our commercial grade snow sweepers, snow blowers, sidewalk salt dispensers and well-trained crews, clear and safe sidewalks are guaranteed, even after the worst snowfalls.
Reduce Slip & Fall Injuries
Each year, over one million Americans seek emergency room treatment for accidental falls with 300,000 of these people suffering disabling injuries. On average, 12,000 die from their injuries. In fact, slip and fall injuries rank second to automobile accidents. (LESCO News, Falls 2002, Vol. 40). Minimize your risk and protect your customers and employees by ensuring your sidewalks are clear and safe.
Contact Wisconsin’s best snow plowing company today for more information on our snow removal and de-icing services.